Does Gravie Affect My Other Insurance Coverages?

October 29, 2015

In our last post (Better Choices with Gravie and HSAs) we discussed how switching to an individual health insurance model with Gravie doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your employees’ health savings accounts (HSA) – but what about your other coverages, like dental, vision, supplemental, and others?

In addition to health insurance and HSAs, we offer dental coverage to those who are shopping for a health insurance plan through Gravie. Here’s how that coverage option works:

  • Every person using to shop for their plan will be asked if they’d like to shop for dental insurance. If you’re already offering a group-based dental plan to your employees, tell them to simply “select” that they don’t want to shop for dental
  • There’s no open enrollment window for dental coverage – as long as an individual is enrolled in health insurance through Gravie, they can enroll in dental at any time
  • Keep in mind that the compensation you provide to your employees, administered through Gravie, cannot be allocated to dental coverage. Employees will have to use their personal banking information for payments of these premiums

Gravie also helps people who are eligible for Medicare coverage. An employee eligible for Medicare (one who’s 65 or older, or with a valid disability) will need to apply for Medicare Part B if they haven’t already, and may select a Medicare advantage or supplemental plan and prescription coverage. Gravie, through our vendor partner, can help these individuals ensure all of their Medicare needs are met.

For vision, Gravie advisors can help members select plans that include the coverage they need as well. This can include exams, contact lenses, and prescription eyeglasses, as well as savings on laser vision correction surgery or hearing aids. Gravie helps employees select the plan that fits their needs the best.

Apart from health, vision, dental, and supplemental coverage, as well as HSAs and Medicare, we recommend continuing your relationship with your traditional broker to make sure you’ve got all your insurance coverage bases covered. In a lot of cases your broker will still be involved because many offer ancillary services like short-term disability that Gravie doesn’t. We also partner with a number of brokers and in these partnerships the broker has been happy to maintain a relationship with its client while giving them access to Gravie’s services.

Do you have any other questions? We’re eager to help, so don’t hesitate to call us at 844.540.8701, fill out our employer form, or tweet us @gogravie.

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