Category: ICHRA
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Press Release: The Minnesota Healthcare Consortium Partners with Gravie to Offer ICHRA Health Insurance Option to Member Organizations
Minneapolis-based benefits company Gravie was selected by the Minnesota Healthcare Consortium (MHC), a joint powers group of seven of Minnesota’s regional service cooperatives, for the...

Flexible Benefit Options in the Wake of COVID-19 – ICHRA Deadline Extensions and More
As if health benefits weren’t complex and expensive enough, the economic downturn in the middle of a global pandemic has complicated the enrollment process. Many...

ICHRA with Gravie — The New Individual Coverage HRA for Employers
In January 2020, ICHRA (pronounced ick-rah) became a new option for employers who want to provide employee health benefits. With ICHRAs, employers will no longer...

Press Release: Gravie and KBA Partner to Help More Employers Take Advantage of ICHRA Health Benefits
MINNEAPOLIS (May 19, 2020) – Health insurance marketplace Gravie announced today that its industry-leading Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement (ICHRA) platform was selected by Key...