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Page 29
Download Your Tip Sheet Now: Employer Health Insurance Options for 2016
If you run a business, you’ve no doubt been keeping up with the ongoing changes and updates associated with the Affordable Care Act—or trying to,...
Open Enrollment: Five Questions Employers Should Be Asking
With Open Enrollment starting November 1, we thought we’d address the most common questions we’ve been receiving from employers and give you a few things...
Does Gravie Affect My Other Insurance Coverages?
In our last post (Better Choices with Gravie and HSAs) we discussed how switching to an individual health insurance model with Gravie doesn’t mean you...
Better Choices with Gravie and HSAs
Employers who are fed up with the rising costs and administrative hassle of traditional group health insurance plans are switching to options like Gravie that...
Narrow Networks Gain in Popularity – What You Need to Know
Here’s another “Ask Gravie” post giving readers our perspective on a hot health insurance-related topic. This week we’re featuring Mike Fortner, Sales at Gravie. Read...
How Do Payments Work With Gravie?
When employers choose to drop their traditional group health insurance plans and work with Gravie, they give employees additional compensation that can be used to...
Deflating Health Insurance Costs (not footballs)
On Sunday, October 18, the Gravie team suited up for the Colts tailgate to meet some fans and toss out some (slightly underinflated) footballs.
Is The Benefit of Pre-Tax Health Insurance Premiums Really Enough Reason to Keep Your Group Plan?
It’s mid-October, and that means brokers are sharing group health insurance plan renewal rates for the year to come. With premiums going up, it also...
Evaluate Your Employee Health Insurance for 2016: The Gravie Financial Analysis
It’s no secret employers are facing big decisions when it comes to healthcare for employees. This year is especially difficult for many employers because the facts...
Restrict Spousal Coverage?! Individual Health Insurance Offers a Better Alternative
In 2013, UPS announced that it would no longer offer coverage to employees’ spouses who had the option to get health coverage through their own...
3 Reasons Your Employees Will Pay Less for Individual Coverage
As an employer transitioning from a traditional, employer-sponsored group plan to giving your employees additional compensation and sending them to buy their own health insurance,...
Why the Individual Market is Less Expensive – and Expected to Stay That Way
Welcome to the first post in our blog series “Ask Gravie.” Each week we’ll share our perspectives on hot health insurance-related topics being talked about...